Funktionalität und Komfort vereint in unseren Herren Radtrikots

Discover our high-quality men's cycling jerseys for ultimate comfort and functionality! At PIPPO, we focus not only on sustainable manufacturing processes in small family factories in Italy, but also on first-class performance. Our diverse selection of cycling jerseys will ensure that you not only look your best, but also take advantage of all the benefits for optimal training or competition. Each jersey is specifically optimized for the riding position and is made from the best materials, including breathable polyester and polyamide, to absorb sweat and keep your body dry during the ride.

2 Maenner in Radtrikots mit Fahrraedern vor einem Cafe. Das Radtrikot ist bordeaux Rot und das andere Blau orange.

Cycling jerseys to feel good

Elevate your riding experience with our cycling jerseys

By choosing the right jersey, the riding experience is increased many times over. Combine it with other accessories for cycling fans. We also offer matching road bike socks, cycling shorts and base layers. Benefit from our offer sets and experience even more fun in your sport.

Hattest du schon einmal Probleme damit, dass dein Rennradtrikot hochrutscht, während du fährst?

Bei PIPPO haben wir uns deshalb entschieden einen 43 mm breiten Silikonbund zu entwickeln um dem entgegenzuwirken. Somit reduzieren wir das hochrutschen und der Tragekomfort bleibt erhalten.

Aus welchem Material sollte mein Rennradtrikot sein?

Erfahrungsmäßig nimmt ein Rennradtrikot aus Polyester den Geruch schneller auf als ein Jersey aus Polyamide. Unsere De Ronde Trikots sind aus einem hochwertigen nachhaltigen Polyester, und die Alp d Huez & Stelvio Rennradtrikots aus einem premium Polyamide entwickelt. Daher bleiben sie lange Geruchs neutral und du wirst lange was von den Rennradtrikots haben.


Discover road cycling shorts with comfortable seat padding and innovative materials from Italy at PIPPO. Handmade in small factories for perfect comfort on your next cycling adventure!


Discover our diverse selection of road bike socks! From colourful designs to aero socks to short and merino socks, there's something for every riding style. Take a look right now!

Merino Long Sleeves

At Pippo, we focus on tangible quality directly on your skin. Our merino base layers are made in Italy and are available in collared and uncollared versions. Experience the difference for yourself!